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grounded in a mystical, interfaith-Christianity inspired by Emanuel Swedenborg

Let ETs Open Your Mind
There’s a lot of news lately about government disclosures of alien aircraft, or at least, what they are now calling unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs). The US and others have started to share information about these strange objects, many of which move much quicker than our fastest planes and seem to defy the laws of physics as we know them. The idea of extraterrestrials can be an enlightening one because it can open us to a sense of infinity and wonder that we can sometimes lack in today’s modern world, one in which we strangely feel like we know just about everything. Confirmation of UFOs and perhaps even extraterrestrial visitors calls on us to question our sense of superiority, calls into question some of our belief systems, and in general, opens our minds to the infinite mystery around us that we often miss. Perhaps, this is why the great scientist turned mystic, Emanuel Swedenborg, wrote so much about ETs!