On Earth... as in Heaven
There will be a live audio Reflection & Prayer Service with community chatroom conversation in connection with this Multimedia Service this Sunday evening at 8 pm EDT. Catch it towards the end of this Multimedia Service or on our Worship page. Video of the broadcast is posted there later.
Classic Gospel Music: Jesus the Light of the World Debbie Austin
Matthew 6:10
Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Click here for free ebooks of Emanuel Swedenborg's Theological Writings
On Earth... as in Heaven
From the Archives of the Late Rev. Paul Zacharias
2) We are told that in heaven, God is not usually seen as a person, but as a bright, shining, overhead light, something like our sun. Heat and light... Love and Wisdom... flow forth from that sun, and it is this Divine energy that makes all of life possible, both in the spiritual world and here. The interesting thing is that ordinarily the Lord is not seen as a person. Now, here on earth there have been many discussions as to whether God is male or female; or white, black or brown. People are always trying to describe and define God, which of course limits Him. But now more and more people are beginning to see that God is outside all of our man-made descriptions; and we're going back to what the Bible says; that God is Love, He is Wisdom, and He is Power. And nowadays many of the world religions are convering toward this one central, unifying point - that God is Love. Active, expressed, creative Love. This is the main doctrine of the Lord in the heavens. We on earth are moving in this direction.
3) There is a chapter on worship services in the spiritual world, which are very much like church services here. There are preachers, choirs, sacraments, special services, etc. People in heaven enjoy the worship services; they go because they want to. But he adds this vital point; "Essential divine worship in the heavens does not consist is going to church and hearing preaching, but in a life of love, charity and faith, in accordance with doctrine; preachings in churches serve solely as means of instruction in matters of life." This is a definite trend on earth. It is my impression that in previous ages many people attended church services because of habit, or out of fear, or because they were made to - there were all sorts of external pressures. But today a larger percentage of people come to church because they want to; they want to learn more about life and about themselves. They are fully aware that just being in church every Sunday morning is not going to ensure eternal salvation, but they realize that corporate worship can be a source of spiritual help. The whole situation today is more honest and realistic than it was in past ages. The underlying concept and meaning of worship is changing - it is becoming more alive and personal, which is the way it is in the spiritual realm.
4) In this book we have the picture of the Grand Man, which very simply means that the spiritual world is established in the form, not the shape, but the form of a perfectly functioning human organism. When we are feeling well and healthy, every part of our body, from head to toe, works together; every part of the body serves a use. All of our organs, muscles, tissues, cells, etc., - everything fits together and contributes toward the well-being of the total body. It's a case of one for all and all for one. This is the pattern of heavenly living. On this earth I see the United Nations as striving toward this idea of the Grand Man; One World. Certainly the U.N. has mary weaknesses and flaws, but it is a hopeful beginning, working toward the ideal of One World. It's a place where all the nations of the world meet together and discuss mutual concerns and problems; it is accomplishing great things in many areas... and in the end it will become a World Parliament, building harmony and peace for all mankind... where each person, each nation, contributes toward the welfare of the total, and each receives its shard of the world's goods. This is the ideal, which functions beautifully in heaven, and which now is gradually taking shape in this world.
5) Swedenborg tells us quite a bit about the power of words in the spiritual world; both the spoken word and the printed word. COMMUNICATION is the means by which we convey our ideas, and ourselves, to other people. This is a perfected art in heaven, and it looms ever larger in our daily lives here. Think back to World War II when Hitler and Churchill swayed millions of people with their words. History was shaped by their words. Obviously words can be used for either good or ill; it depends on our motivations and purposes. We might ask ourselves: "What is the basis for the selection use of the words we choose?" Do we realize that words are tangible things? They can build up and they can tear down. It's a sobering prospect: the kinds of words and thoughts we enjoy here, we will continue to enjoy in the spiritual world . . . in heaven or in hell.
6) In heaven, food, shelter, clothing, everything one needs, is provided from (and by) the central source of life. Everyone contributes of his talents and abilities, and everyone receives all that he needs. Recently I was talking with a friend, deeply involved in the political arena, and he is convinced that it's only a matter of time until there is a decent guaranteed annual income for everyone.This is coming; it's only a matter of time. It will make for a more equitable sharing of the nation's goods and services. And it's coming here because this is the way it is in heaven, and our world is a reflection, a mirror, of the spiritual world.
7) We are told so much about the quality of marriages in heaven. For example, when wives and husbands first meet in the spiritual world, they live together as husband and wife as long as they want to. Then gradually their true feelings surface, and if their love isn't genuine, they go their separate ways. Where there is true affection, the marriage relationship becomes ever more radiantly beautiful. And isn't this how it is here; increasingly
so! True, there are more separations and divorces today than in past decades, but isn't this an indication that there is more honesty today? If the love and trust and respect is gone in a marriage, then it is wrong to continue playing games. This is how it is in the spiritual world, where true affection unites people; common interests and purposes bring people together. And there are so many choices of relationships and activities, that it seems foolish and wrong to pretend. Consequently heavenly life is more authentic; there is less play-acting, in marriages and in all relationships. We too are moving in this direction.
8) In heaven, the chief goal or objective of every man, woman and child, is to grow... to develop morally, mentally and spiritually... to grow in love and wisdom. Everything else is subservient to this one central thrust... becoming our best self. Our marriage, work, leisure time, everything contributes to this end. And isn't this the main purpose and meaning our life here? So you see, there is a fine, gossamer veil drawn between heaven and earth.
Finally, remember the Lord's words: "Unto whom much is given, much is expected."
Heaven Bryan Adams
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