Read Our Written Sermons

grounded in a mystical, interfaith-Christianity inspired by Emanuel Swedenborg

Thanksgiving Can Transform Your World
Worship Swedenborgian Community Worship Swedenborgian Community

Thanksgiving Can Transform Your World

We as individuals would have nothing if it weren’t for many others. Without animals, insects, other people, the universe, God(dess), we would not be here. The reality of this is presented in every moment, whether through the road we drive on or the salad (pollinated by insects) that we’re eating! Of course, even our very body is an endless expression of this. We have much to be thankful for. And yet, these things are often the easiest to overlook even when they are the most profound things about life. We take for granted what we are used to, often seeking to force a bit more compliance out of something that has served us, strongly wishing that things would be a tad bit more perfect (to us). Thankfully, this year for Canadian Thanksgiving we seek to upend this tendency for unthankfulness a bit! So, let us give thanks.

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Become Present with Thankfulness
Worship Swedenborgian Community Worship Swedenborgian Community

Become Present with Thankfulness

Being thankful is an underestimated way to improve our own day, and often everyone else’s day around us! What makes it difficult is a two-parter: just remembering to be thankful for our untold gifts, and being present enough to remain that way - instead of getting pulled back down by our negative, often called “realistic,” thinking. But, I have to ask, what is realistic about worrying about the future all the time? What’s realistic about sinking back into the past, our constant fears, or our self-image? Instead, let’s give thanks while letting the qualms pass as they come, accepting the moment for what it is, and celebrate all the diverse people and other expressions of God’s Divinity in our lives, today, right now.

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